There is an annual membership fee of $95 per family due when signing up. Thereafter, active member families are charged every year on their anniversary date.
Tuition is based on a 4-week session. Classes are
ongoing and enrollment renews each session unless you
notify us in writing before the next session of your intent to
discontinue or take a break. Students are expected to
attend their scheduled class. Statements are sent out via
email each month before tuition is due. This
will remind you to notify us if you plan to stop classes.
Due to our limited occupancy NLG is not able to offer
credits, refunds or make up classes.
Students can arrive up to 15 minutes early if they are with
a supervising adult. Students must be picked up promptly
at class dismissal. Adults who drop off athletes must wait
for the child to be out on the floor before leaving and must
be back for pick up 5 minutes before the class ends for
pick up.
Students who are picked up late or dropped off early,
without supervision, will be charged a childcare fee of $20
every half hour 10 mins after the class ends. Students
under 5.5 must have a parent or supervising adult at the
gym at all times.
Leotard for girls. Boys wear shorts with a tucked in t-shirt. Hair pulled back into a ponytail.
Children who are injured should not attend gymnastics
without a doctor’s clearance. Gymnasts who are injured
but can participate with a modified workout must have
instructions from their doctor stating what they can and
cannot do.
Children who are showing signs of illness may not attend
gymnastics class. If they did not attend school, they
should not attend class. This includes but is not limited to:
a runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, loss of taste or
smell, headache, diarrhea, fatigue. All children will have a
temperature check and be asked questions regarding their
health as they enter the gym. The instructor will also make
a visual inspection searching for signs of illness. Any
children who are ill will be sent home.
Children who participate at NLG must exhibit good
behavior at all times. Students displaying disorderly
conduct before or during class will first given a warning to
stop the undesirable behavior, if the behavior persists the
child will be given a time out, if the behavior continues the
parent will be notified and finally, if the behavior does not
cease, the child will be asked to leave the class if they are
interfering with the conduct of the class.
Eating, drinking, smoking, or gum chewing is not allowed
in or around the training area.
2025 (Gym Closures)
January 1st New Year’s Day
January 20th Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 17th Presidents’ Day
April 18th & 19th Easter
May 26th Memorial Day
July 4th Independence Day
Sept. 1st Labor Day
October 31st Halloween
November 27th-29th Thanksgiving
December 24th-31st Christmas / New Years
PLEASE NOTE – Our Tuition is based on 48 weeks per year. An average of 4 weeks per month. Since there are 52 weeks in the year, the holiday gym closures are already fixed into the monthly tuition. Thank you!
Below is the NLG Make-Up Policy.
If you are signed up for a once-a-week class, you would expect to attend class 4 times in one month. There are 29 extra training days this year from January through December because some months have 4 weeks and some have 5, and we only ever charge for 4 weeks. We are closed 20 days in the year for Holidays and Summer Break. That nets 9 extra training days that athletes are receiving with no extra tuition charge.
To utilize any Make-up Tokens, please email us at and request the class, date, and time that you would like to use the token.
When your Make-up request is approved or denied, you will receive an automated email.
Please do your best to book your make-up tokens over the course of several months rather than all in one short time period. We are limiting the number of make-ups so that we can accommodate everyone’s requests.
The make-up tokens cannot be used in lieu of tuition. Any request for make-up tokens and/or classes must be submitted through email.
If your athlete missed class due to illness or emergency, then you may request a make-up token by emailing us with the date of absence, the reason for absence, any requested make up class and
Upon approval, make-up tokens will be placed in your Customer Portal and you will be able to utilize them for an upcoming class(es).
Make-up tokens will be limited to one per class per month. After 45 days, the make-up tokens will expire.
Please note that make-up tokens will not be issued if you forget to attend class or have another event scheduled at the same time.
Make-up tokens are not available for team or preteam athletes, however, athletes may participate in another team/preteam class if there is space available